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Granville; oi Ring UU2321. A variety of specially picked Young fX. Guy, year", called for by Manu- facturing "nd Distributing Home as Trainees to leam the Wholesale Sottgoods Profession, Salesmanship, etc. Ex, opportunities lor appropriate applicants. MURRAY LIMITED. Ill Y' ork St. Sydney. We are experienced and well-informed and use the current devices and technologies to make sure that pipes concerns are resolved rapidly and successfully.
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Wholeaole Hard w ore Morchant' i office. Apply by letter, slating If experi- enced in invoicing or ledgerkecplns WM. 10 Darcy St (at Hillway). APPLICATIONS will certainly be obtained by Iho Secretary, the Hvdrp-Eleotrlo Com- objective. Tasmania, caroma off road electric scooter up until noontime on Mondnv.
Chemical Sector. Experienced in repair of Pressure. Temperature Level and Flow Recorders and Indicators.
Apply Mr. YVilliamson, Larke Hoskins and Co. Ltd., 56 Palmer St, East Sj' dney. Candidates need to possess excellent understanding of building prices,. education and learning, and have the ability to think obligation.
Here Is an unique opportunity ror Woman" wanting to or beginning a new. Interesting corcer In one of the largest and most Important endeavors ever developed in Australia. Salary ₤ 2/19/ at 16 years old,, Ith annual increments to ₤ 5/15/ at 23 years old. An extra margin of 7/6 each week will be paid lo com pelenl clerk".